Houston, we have a Gas Cap!
This past weekend was very productive! Steve and I were finally able to get down to Allen's VW Salvage near Bristow. It was a paradise of old VWs. I picked up a lot of replacement items from several 1970 Bugs.
Besides the gas cap above, we got a nice horn button, but the best was we were able to pick up a GREAT front fender from another 1970 Bug...my Beetle was made 04/70, this fender was off an 05/70 Beetle.
Here is Steve, getting the fender off the car in the salvage yard...
This is what our car looked like before the fender...
This is what it looks like now!
I also figured out, with help from some people at The Samba, that my steering column was missing a couple of bolts that hold it to the dash! We got the bolts at the salvage yard and I repaired that part of my car very quickly! That's when I found out my steering column locks and I will be needing to get a key fitted eventually to get it unlocked. That's ok.
Also got a couple of windshield wipers...but I don't know how to put them on the arms...anybody know??
We really had a great time. Mr. Allen came out and helped us a lot, even let us borrow some WD-40 to help with the fender bolts. We had a picnic out in front of his shop and got a little sunburned. We were out there about 4 hours, till he closed at around 3pm. He had a front end that would fit our car, which we really wanted but couldn't afford. Someday we'll go back and get it, maybe!
Re the wipers:
1. Get new blades. That one looks vey bad, and new ones (like chicken soup) vouldn't hoit. Anco blades are just fine, and a chart at the store will tell you 'zackly which ones you want.
2. Just slide the rounded piece (like the one you're holding) into the curve on the end of the arm. A catch on the rounded piece will snap into the hole on the end of the arm.
If you have trouble I'll demo it on my car and have someone take pics.
Anonymous, at 2:30 PM
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